Be Seen: The Key to Attracting New Dental Patients and Growing Your Practice

How to reach new dental patients using Ruka dental cast episode 1.

Welcome to the very first RUKA Dental Cast.

On this episode of Cranium Agency, hosts Alex Valderrama and Sarah Valderrama dive into the importance of being seen and creating awareness for dental practices. Joined by guest speaker Sarah, the CMO and content strategist at Ruka Dental Marketing, they explore the first phase of awareness and discuss strategies to reach new patients and stay in front of existing ones.

The episode emphasizes that while developing a strong brand message and value proposition is important, it all starts with being visible and creating awareness. Without visibility, even the strongest brand message may not be effective in attracting new patients.

The discussion covers various tactics for creating awareness, including implementing a referral campaign, joining dental groups and associations, and utilizing social media platforms and Google Ads for advertising. They also recommended attending trade shows, become a speaker, create an email newsletter, and engage in direct mail campaigns.

Throughout the episode, the importance of consistency in implementing these ideas is emphasized. It is advised to carefully assess resources, including budget and staff capabilities, and to start with a few ideas, observing what works and what doesn’t over time.

The ultimate goal is to be seen by both potential patients and referring doctors, utilizing strategies that improve the practice’s success. By focusing on creating awareness, dental practices can attract more leads, build trust, and ultimately gain more patients.

Tune in to this episode of Cranium Agency, titled “RUKA DENTAL CAST – BE SEEN – Episode 1”, to gain valuable insights on how to effectively reach new patients and strengthen your dental practice.

Topics Covered in this Video Dental Cast Session:

1. Importance of Developing a Strong Brand Message and Value Proposition

– Developing a strong brand message and value proposition is important for successfully developing a practice with a steady stream of new patients.

2. The First Focus: Being Seen and Creating Awareness

– Emphasizes that the very first focus should be on being seen and creating awareness.

– Without visibility and awareness, even the strongest brand message and value proposition may not be effective in attracting new patients.

3. Referrals and Building Relationships

– Referrals are crucial for dentists to get business from patients.

– Dentists should implement a referral campaign to build relationships with other referring dentists.

– A doctor referral strategy, including a referral packet that is mailed out, can be effective.

– Joining dental groups and associations can help create connections and build relationships.

4. Consistency and Brand Messaging

– Consistency with the brand message is important.

5. Three Main Acquisition Stages: Awareness, Consideration, and Action

– Three main acquisition stages are highlighted: awareness, consideration, and action.

– Awareness is the stage where potential patients become aware of the practice and its services.

– Consideration stage involves potential patients considering whether or not to use the practice’s services.

– Action stage refers to potential patients connecting with the practice and deciding to become patients.

6. Introduction to Sarah, the Speaker, and Ruka Dental Marketing

– The speaker is Sarah, the CMO and content strategist at Ruka Dental Marketing.

– Ruka is a company with over two decades of experience in helping dental practices gain new patients.

7. The Goal and Focus of the Episode

– The goal is to provide valuable information to help dentists grow their practices.

– The focus of the episode is on the first phase of awareness.

8. Advantages of a Solid Awareness Strategy

– A solid awareness strategy brings benefits such as brand preference, recognition, and name recognition.

– It also helps build trust and promotes the unique practice and how it is different from others.

– Other advantages include greater brand loyalty, consistency in marketing, and faster movement of potential customers into the consideration phase.

9. Recommended Strategies for Being Seen

– Using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Google Ads for advertising.

– Attending or getting involved in trade shows and possibly becoming a speaker.

– Running a campaign tailored to your growth strategy.

– Creating an email newsletter or monthly newsletter.

– Sending out press releases and direct mail to new residents in your area.

– Sponsoring charities and hosting events.

10. Importance of Implementation and Consistency

– Recommends not doing too much when implementing ideas for the first time.

– Suggests taking a couple of ideas and implementing them into the business model.

– Consistency in implementing these ideas is crucial, not just doing them once or twice.

11. Target Audiences and Reaching Both

– There are two main audiences for dental practices: potential patients and referring doctors.

– It is important to implement a plan to reach both audiences.

– The main goal is to be seen by both audiences to improve the practice’s success.


– Understanding your position in the market and developing a unique brand proposition and message is crucial.

– Considering your resources, particularly your budget, is important.

– You may need to hire external help and assess your staff time and capabilities to execute ideas effectively.


Let’s explore ways to help your Dental Practice more visible.

Schedule a time to meet today!

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