Be Seen – How to get in front of your potential patients
Welcome to the very first RUKA Dental Cast.
Whether you are just starting your practice or growing an established one, we are going to provide valuable information you can use today to grow your practice. In this DentalCast the topic is “Be Seen!” where you can focus on reaching new patients and staying in front of existing ones, your goal is to get in front of them and stay relevant.
You will learn:
– The fundamental patient acquisition stages
– The benefits of a solid awareness strategy
– Understanding your position in your market
– We’ll share a great list of ideas for you to consider
Schedule a FREE branding assessment!
We’ll provide a free no commitment assessment of your branding and marketing to help you stand out from the competition and gain new patients.
With over two decades of dental industry experience we have helped many dental companies grow such as DenteVita Prosthodontics, Denver Implant Study Club (DISC), Theroux Orthodontics, Dentutopia, Aldo Leopardi Prosthodontics, etc.